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Practice theory test for motorbike

Everything you need to practice for your motorcycle theory test. Learn with questions similar to the test at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Thorough explanations and illustrations.

Free example


  • 2500 questions
  • Exam simulator
  • Free access: Road signs, lights, and markings
  • Live Chat with driving instructors
  • Guaranteed to pass


  • 2500 questions
  • Exam simulator
  • Free access: Road signs, lights, and markings
  • Live Chat with driving instructors
  • Guaranteed to pass


  • 2500 questions
  • Exam simulator
  • Free access: Road signs, lights, and markings
  • Live Chat with driving instructors
  • Guaranteed to pass

Kjapt og greit

"Takk for fine spørsmål. Som passer bra til teoriprøven. Veldig lett å lære."


Grundig og fint

"Fikk forklart det grundig når jeg ikke skjønte. Følte meg klar til teoriprøven ganske tidlig og besto på første forsøk."


"Mange oppgaver med vanskelighetsgrad over nivå på teoriprøve . Vanskelig å ikke bestå når man har brukt Øvingsoppgaver.no"

Birmingham City FC
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Who does this traffic light apply to?

  • Everyone who drives in the right lane
  • All who are going straight ahead
  • All buses
  • Anyone who can legally drive in the public transport lane

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  3. Har du funnet en feil? Tips oss

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Dette trafikklyset kalles et kollektivsignal. I skiltforskriften står det:

Signal for kollektivtrafikk. Lys i øvre, midtre eller nedre lysåpning eller i kombinasjon av disse har samme betydning som lys i tilsvarende lysåpninger i hovedsignal.

Det gjelder altså for sporvogn, buss, taxi og andre som lovlig kan kjøre i kollektivfelt. Men, trafikklyset gjelder ikke for kollektivtrafikk hvis den ikke er i kollektivfeltet eller i det feltet trafikklyset er ment å gjelde for.

Pass the theory test for motorbike

  • Questions from the theory test
  • Pass Guarantee
  • Live chat with driving instructors along the way
  • Explanations, pictures, and illustrations
  • Follow your progress
  • Interactive theory course
  • Theory battles
  • Road sign tests

Motorsykkelens oppbygging

Klikk på symbolene for å lese mer om de forskjellige delene på motorsykkelen:

Eksempelbilde, Theory test for motorcycle

Som du ser er det mange viktige komponenter på siden av motorsykkelen. Hvis sykkelen velter og det slås hull på dekslene kan motoren blir ødelagt. Det kan være lurt å montere crash bars eller lignende, som tar imot støtet. Det kan spare deg for mange tusenlapper!

Interactive theory course cat. A1, A2 and A

An interactive theory course is a course where you watch films, click on pictures and solve problems at the same time as you read the syllabus. The theory course has been developed by experienced traffic teachers and developers, and our users say that the course makes learning motorcycle theory fun and easy.

Mine prøver
18BeståttFull test92 %23:40
17BeståttFull test84 %07:37
16BeståttQuick test94 %32:12
15BeståttQuick test83 %18:22
14BeståttQuick test88 %05:19
13BeståttFull test95 %48:19
12BeståttQuick test86 %31:01
11BeståttFull test94 %28:09
10BeståttQuick test86 %07:18
9BeståttFull test94 %26:42

Theory Test Simulator

Our Theory Test Simulator is very popular. It is, of course, always included! You get the questions there, like in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration exam. You will find out whether you will pass the motorcycle theory test.

  • 40 questions
  • At least 34 correct answers
  • 90 minutes
  • Find out if you've passed immediately
  • See what you should practice more
  • Follow your progress
  • Unlimited tests


29 %

Safety check

20 %

Humans and risk

40 %

Documents, responsibilities and training

63 %

Driving strategy

20 %

Signs, traffic lights and road markings

77 %

The construction and operation of the motorcycle

58 %

Traffic accidents, accidents and the environment

56 %


If you find the motorcycle structure difficult, there is no reason to practice everything else. That is why we have divided our tasks into categories. If you just want to practice driving strategy, you can do that. Or you can practice the entire syllabus at the same time. It is up to you!

Motorsyklister som som kjører sammen på motorveien.

Motorcycles are fun to ride!

Riding a motorcycle is one of the most fun things there is - at least, that's what those who ride motorcycles think. In addition, it can be efficient regarding accessibility and parking. Regardless of your motivation, you must know the driving strategies, the traffic rules, and the maintenance of the motorcycle, so that bad experiences neither ruin your enjoyment nor your life.

This is what you learn

Documents, responsibilities and training

Tasks relating to the training, driver's responsibilities, driving license and driving licence. training


Oppgaver som handler om fart, forbikjøring, fyasikk og bremselengder.

Driving strategy

Tasks about giving way, traffic rules and ways to use the motorcycle.

Humans and risk

This is an important category on the theory test. Among other things, it is about how the body reacts in different situations.

The construction and operation of the motorcycle

Tasks relating to the engine, brakes, tyres, license plate, driving equipment, etc.

Safety check

Tasks that deal with the questions you can get from the examiner on the driving test as well as checks before driving.

Signs, traffic lights and road markings

Test yourself in the traffic signs, road markings and signals given by the police and others with the authority to direct traffic

Traffic accidents, accidents and the environment

Assignments dealing with statistics, causes of accidents and impacts on society and the environment.